Consumer Surveys

Consumer Surveys

Case Management


your local Area Agency on Aging, invites you to help us improve the quality of our Case Management service by completing the following one-page survey. Your responses are confidential and valuable to us as the results will determine what actions are needed to make improvements. Please click the name of your case manager and click the number that corresponds with the column questions below.
Case Manager*
I know how to contact my case manager. She returns my calls promptly within 24 hours.*
I am satisfied with my case manager.*
My Case Manager provided me with useful health management information and community resource information.*
I am aware that I have my choice of in-home service providers.*
My CM involved me in developing my plan of care and respected my needs and preferences regarding my health and services.*
My CM allowed me to discussed my personal goals and long-term goals and barriers to meet my goals.*
My CM discussed life planning activities such as living wills, legal documents, and health care representatives.*
I feel confident that I can stay in my home for at least the next six months.*
Since receiving services from Generations, I feel less lonely.*
Since receiving services from Generations, my stress has been reduced.*
Since receiving services from Generations, my daily personal needs have been met.*
I feel I am as independent as I can be.*
I would recommend Generations to a friend.*
Thank you for your time, your feedback is appreciated

Options Counseling Services


your local Area Agency on Aging, invites you to help us improve the quality of our Option Counseling service by completing the following one-page survey. Your responses are confidential and very valuable to us as the results determine if actions are needed to make improvements. Please circle the options counselor and circle the number that corresponds with the appropriate column.
Options Counselor*
The Options Counselor was easy to reach and returned my phone calls within at least 24 hours.*
I am satisfied with the visit or phone call I received.*
The Options Counselor provided valuable health management information and/or community resource information.*
I was able to follow-up on the information they gave me.*
The Options Counselor allowed me to discuss my personal goals and long-term goals, and barriers to meet my goals.*
The OC involved me in developing my plan of care and respected my needs and preferences regarding my health and services.*
During the visit the OC discussed life planning activities, such as living wills, legal documents, and health care representatives.*
I feel confident that I can stay in my home for at least the next six months.*
I feel lonely*
My stress level regarding my health is high.*
As of today, I feel my daily personal needs are being met.*
I feel I am as independent as I can be.*
I would recommend Generations to a friend.*
Thank you for your time, your feedback is appreciated.