Options Counseling

Options Counseling


Aging and Disability Resource Center/Options Counseling

Generations’ Aging and Disability Resource Center is a one-stop resource center for information on programs and services for older adults, people with disabilities and their caregivers. With access to a comprehensive network of resources, the Options Counselors in the Aging and Disability Resource Center can connect callers to Generations’ services or to other community resources.

Our knowledgeable and friendly staff provides counseling to help you, your family members and caregivers assess existing and anticipated long-term care needs. Based on those identified needs, we then provide comprehensive information on the full range of available public and private programs, options, service providers and resources within the community.

The Aging and Disability Resource Center also serves as the single point of entry for individuals seeking assistance through public programs such as CHOICE and Medical Model Waivers.

Our goal is to bring the wealth of knowledge of services and resources from the office into the individual’s home.

ADRC Options Counselors:

  • Provide person-centered approach to assess each individual’s needs, abilities, personal resources and information support system.
  • Determine eligibility for services.
  • Identify appropriate private or public funding sources
  • Outline service options and discuss those options with the individual, their families and caregivers.


Our Options Counselors are also certified counselors for the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP).

For further information or to speak with an Options Counselor:

Call 1-800-742-9002 or 812-888-5880

Fax 1-812-888-4568

Email: generations@vinu.edu

Services Photo Gallery

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Greene County Senior Fair 3.jpg
Greene County Senior Fair 5.jpg
Greene County Senior Fair 8.jpg
Knox County Partners Presentation 6-22-17 (1).jpg
Knox County Partners Presentation 6-22-17 (4).jpg
Medicare 101 4 9-12-17.jpg
Medicare 101 7 9-12-17.jpg
Crowd Dine with a Doc 2.jpg
BAB Picture 2017
Northwood Meals on Wheels Donation 2018.jpg
MOB Dubois County.jpeg