Two VU programs and 7 students receive Indiana Awards for Excellence

VINCENNES, Ind. - Two Vincennes University programs and seven students are the recipients
of Indiana Career and Technical Education Awards for Excellence. The awards were
presented Feb. 6 at the Indiana Government Center in Indianapolis.
Award for Excellence recipients include VU’s Agribusiness and John Deere Technology
programs. VU students earning awards include Adam Baker, Evansville; Daulton Eaton,
Washington; Lacey Ellerman, Oaktown; Dakota Rostron, Patoka; Anees Saleh, Indianapolis;
Erin Tower, Dubois, and Jade Uebelhor, Ferdinand.
Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz spoke at the ceremonies.
VU President Dick Helton served as master of ceremonies for the awards luncheon.
Both Ritz and Helton said that graduates of career and technical programs are critically
important to the future of the Indiana economy. They cited high demand for graduates
and increased emphasis state leaders are placing on career and technical programs.
Helton said this is the best time to be graduating with a career and technical degree.
The Indiana Career and Technical Education Awards for Excellence Program was initiated
in 1984 to recognize exemplary programs, students, and partnerships that benefit the
state. The program is supported by a grant through the Indiana Department of Education
and by contributions from the Indiana Dept. of workforce Development, VU, Ivy Tech
Community College, and the Indiana Association of Career and Technical Education Districts.
VU Program and Recipients

VU, the John Deere Company, and John Deere dealerships received a partnership Award
for Excellence for VU’s John Deere Technology Program. One of only 15 John Deere programs
in the U.S., the VU program is housed in a large and modern implement repair-classroom
facility. The program was cited having each student sponsored by a John Deere dealership,
providing students with direct hands-on experience using the most modern farm equipment.
John Deere also provides the latest equipment to VU and trains it instructors, who
have over 75 years of field experience in addition to teaching in the field. Instructor
Levi Lumm nominated the program for the award.
VU Student Award Recipients
The Agribusiness Program received an Award for Excellence. The program was cited for its hands-on instruction
in management techniques, farm finance, weed identification, crop pesticide usage,
cost analysis, safety, problem solving scenarios, computer applications and its ACBSP accreditation. The program also benefits from an Advisory Board that
includes key agribusiness leaders, travel to conferences, and partnerships with groups
such as the FFA. Its 2011-12 graduates received an average starting salary of $34,000
and demand for graduates is high. Professor Susan Brocksmith nominated the program
for the award.
Adam Baker will receive an associate degree in the Biomedical Electronics Technician program
this spring. He serves as a tutor in the Electronics Department, participates in recycling
discarded electronics, and volunteers at the local YMCA. He also has achieved several
industry certifications. Baker is a 2012 graduate of Central High School in Evansville.
Instructor William Harner nominated Baker for the award.
Lacey Ellerman received an associate degree in Administrative Office Technology in December and
was recognized as the program’s Outstanding Graduate. She is now pursuing a bachelor’s
degree in Information Technology. While attending VU she worked three jobs including
tutoring, served as vice president of the VU Speech Team and a member of the Campus
Activities Board, and completed internships at the VU COPE Office and Good Samaritan
Hospital. Ellerman is a 2011 graduate of North Knox High School. Professor Mary Bowen
nominated Ellerman for the award.
Daulton Eaton will receive an associate degree in the Biomedical Electronics Technician program
this spring. He serves as a tutor in the Electronic Department, participates in United
Way’s Day of Caring, and is a Red Cross blood donor. He is preparing to complete several
professional certifications. Eaton is a 2012 graduate of Washington High School. Instructor
William Harner nominated Eaton for the award.
Anees Saleh will receive an associate degree in Aviation Maintenance and FAA Airframe and Powerplant
Certification this spring. In addition to excellence in class, Saleh works part time
in a managerial position to support his wife and three children, finding time to travel
to Chicago monthly to assist his parents. He also assists his children’s school projects,
assists in non-profit fundraising, and performs safety inspections for the Indiana
Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Alliance’s Super Mileage Challenge.
Instructor Thomas Knoll nominated Saleh for the award.
Dakota Rostron is majoring in the Toyota Advanced Manufacturing Program, attending classes in VU’s
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Program while also working at Toyota Motor Manufacturing
Indiana. She placed first in the 2013 Indiana Statewide Machining Contest for CNC
Lathe, first in the Skills USA Regionals and State for CNC Turning, and placed second
SkillsUSA Nationals for CNC Turning. She is a volunteer firefighter and has served
as camp counselor. She is a 2013 graduate of Princeton Community High School. Instructor
Timothy Hedrick nominated Rostron for the award.
Jade Uebelhor received an associate degree in Family and Consumer Sciences—Child Development in
spring 2013 and received the programs Distinguished Student Award. In addition to
working in preschool classrooms at multiple sites, she also performed leadership roles
such as secretary for the Dubois County Teens for Life, counselor for Tri-County YMCA
Day Camp, Sunday School teacher, missionary and youth leader. She was awarded the
2010 St. Maria Goretti Youth Distinction Award from the Catholic Diocese of Evansville.
After graduating from VU she became a preschool teacher at Good Shepherd Catholic
School in Evansville. Professor Lou Ann Lindsey nominated Uebelhor for the award.
Erin Tower will receive her associate degree Nursing this spring at the VU Jasper Campus. She
received a bachelor’s degree in Animal Sciences from Purdue University in 1999 and
has worked since 2003 as reproductive specialist for MLDD, Inc. in Huntingburg. She
volunteers with her local 4-H Club, serves on the board of the Dubois County Humane
Society and on committees for the Agility Club of Evansville, winning many awards
in national dog agility and training competitions. She also serves as a Eucharistic
minister and lector at St. Celestine Catholic Church and volunteers for NE Dubois
High School Athletics events. Assistant Professor Melissa Belcher nominated Tower
for the award.
VU Photographs provided by David Fisher and Duane Chattin