Riverfront Playground Campaign Exceeds Fundraising Goal

June 29, 2018
VINCENNES, Ind. - The sounds of slide races and kids’ laughter will soon be heard along the riverfront. Vincennes University announced today that it has exceeded the $50,000 fundraising goal needed to receive a matching playground grant through the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority.
“The community response to this project was simply overwhelming. Our partners truly stepped up for the benefit of Knox County. We couldn’t be happier with the outcome,” said Phil Rath, Vincennes University’s vice president for Financial Services and Government Relations.
Vincennes University announced in mid-April that it was embarking on a 60-day, $50,000 fundraising campaign to raise the match money required to receive an additional $50,000 grant through the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority’s CreatINg Places program. The CreatINg Places program aims to generate public involvement in the implementation of creative community improvements by incentivizing individual donations with matching IHCDA funds when the financial goal is reached.
Last year the university unveiled more than $3 million in park improvements, which included a new park entrance, an overlook with scenic stair-step seating leading to the water’s edge, park benches, picnic tables, walking trails, and newly planted trees. The funding raised from this campaign will be used to add a playground and swing set to these amenities, creating a space in the park specifically for kids and their families. Located close to the shelter house and restrooms, the new playground will include one large play structure with slides and climbing pieces and a row of swings, including expression swings.
“When Vincennes University began the process of revitalizing the riverfront, we knew this project would be beneficial for our community. However, we could not be more pleased with the positive impact that it continues to have on our region. We are thankful our community partners recognized the potential in this project - their contribution to the families of Knox County will be enjoyed for many years to come.”
Community Champion Contributors ($10,000 or more):
Farbest Foods
Old National Bank
Memory Maker Contributors ($5,000 or more)
Burkhart Insurance Agency
First Vincennes Savings Bank
Ford Sawmills, Inc.
Kimmell Park Partner Contributors ($1,000 or more)
Futaba Indiana of America Corporation
German American Bank
Knox County Community Foundation
“We have made tremendous progress along the riverfront in such a short amount of time. A new park. A new riverfront walking trail. Beautiful views and fountains. We are excited to keep this momentum going and are grateful for the IHCDA and Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch for opportunities such as the CreatINg Places program to further strengthen the quality of life in our community. I think it is safe to say that Vincennes has once again become a riverfront destination.”
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VICKIE PUFFER, Communications Coordinator & Online Newsroom Manager
812-888-4162 office, 812-887-4635 cell, VUNews@vinu.edu, vpuffer@vinu.edu
VINCENNES UNIVERSITY, Department of University Relations, www.vinu.edu/news/newsroom