VU Board of Trustees considers re-visioning the campus Learning Resources Center

April 26, 2018
VINCENNES, Ind. - Taking a cue from changing trends in the way students want and need to learn, the Vincennes University Board of Trustees heard a report at its April 25 meeting focused on re-visioning the Vincennes Campus Learning Resources Center (LRC).
With a goal of transitioning the campus library into a full-spectrum resource provider, Provost Laurel Smith noted that, “It’s not just about books anymore; it’s not just about online sources. It’s about a place students go for an inclusive, scholarly community.”
Andrew Young, director of Architectural Services, indicated that re-visioning the facility would allow centralized access for student-centered services like an IT help desk, advising, disability services, personal counseling, and key administrative areas. The space would also offer comfortable study areas, integrated technology, zones for peer-to-peer interaction, glass walls that can be written on for group projects, and areas for special displays.
“This is obviously a big project and I think it has the potential to change the student experience that Vincennes gives,” said VU President Chuck Johnson. “This concept means that it’s more than just architectural, it’s more than just our facilities. It’s about how we reach students and support them in their education.”
In other business the Board:
* Heard a marketing/enrollment update from Kristi Deetz, senior director of External Relations, and Heidi Whitehead, director of Admissions. Systemwide enrollment for the Fall 2018 semester currently stands at 1,931. At the same point in time in 2017, the headcount was 2,227.
* Approved promotions and tenure for faculty and professional staff, as submitted by the Personnel and Nominating Committee.
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