March 03, 2022
By University Relations Student Journalist Josie Kidder
Blasting rocking pop tunes at 8 a.m. is the perfect boost Tenny Fatoke needs to get her juices flowing for a productive day at Vincennes University.
Emigrating from Nigeria, Fatoke made her home in Indianapolis in 2018. She then journeyed south to Vincennes after graduating from Christel House Academy and is pursuing an associate degree in Public Relations.
"I knew I wanted to go to college, but it needed to be inexpensive and have a degree for my major," Fatoke says. "Luckily, I was given some great advice to apply to Vincennes University. I am really thankful."
Fatoke lives in an apartment within walking distance of her classes and activities. Fueled by upbeat vibes and the excitement of a new day, she engages in relevant and weighty discussions with her professors and classmates.
"In my sociology class, we are studying cultural diversity, so right now, we are talking about discrimination, racism, white privilege, and immigration. It’s a great class. I like it a lot," Fatoke says.
In the afternoon, Fatoke heads to her tutoring job at the Knowledge Market in the vibrant Shake Learning Resource Center.
She helps students with their essays and gives them advice about different writing techniques, which typically goes until 6 p.m.
"As a tutor, I help others with their essay writing, presentations, or anything that has to do with my major. Students can come in anytime until they are ready to leave."
Leaving the LRC, she heads over to the modern and inviting Jefferson Union for a Campus Activities Board (CAB) meeting. The organization creates a sense of community and belonging for students through cultural, social, educational, and entertainment programs.
As the secretary of CAB, Fatoke clocks five office hours. She records notes about their meetings and lends a hand at entertaining student events such as Monday Movie Nights, Bingo Night, and Blazerpalooza, a music festival.
It’s now 8:30 p.m., and it is time to return to her apartment. In her free time, Fatoke embraces the simplicity of life.
"I like to scroll through social media for a while and do my homework because I don’t like to procrastinate, and I like to watch movies on Netflix, HBO Max, and just chill."
Every day of hard work Fatoke puts in isn’t just busywork. She does not yet have a definite career in mind, but she wants to put her best foot forward into whatever comes next in her life.
"I want to finish school this December, get a good-paying job, and start my life," she says. "I want to be great at whatever I do."
Explore VU Communication Majors and the College of Social Science, Performing Arts and Communication.