scholarships: vincennes campus
scholarships: vincennes campus
Vincennes University and the Vincennes University Foundation annually award more than $2,000,000 in scholarships and grants to assist students in reaching their educational goals. Scholarship award amounts vary from year to year, based on available funds. All scholarship applications will be reviewed for a possible match. All other scholarships are awarded based on availability.
All scholarship recipients who are eligible for filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) are required to do so. The FAFSA deadline is April 15 of each year. You may still submit a FAFSA after April 15 but there are some financial aid opportunities you will not receive if filed after April 15.
Visit our general overview of Grants and Scholarships for more information and resources.
Scholarships available at Vincennes University
Vincennes Campus

Kenneth Leroy "Bud" Smith Memorial Scholarship
Mr. Kenneth Leon Smith continues to carry forward his late wife’s strong belief in
helping others. Mrs. Theresa Kathryn (Klein) Smith passed away in 2019. The Smiths
were married for 32 years.
This scholarship is in the name of Mr. Smith’s “Uncle Bud,” Kenneth LeRoy Smith. Kenneth
LeRoy Smith was a Vincennes native who made the ultimate sacrifice in the 1943 Battle
of Tarawa, the first American offensive in the critical central Pacific region during
World War II. He was 22 years old. As Mr. Smith shared, “My uncle never had the opportunity
to follow his dreams. Our hope is to help others achieve their goals.”
- Recipients shall be enrolled at the Vincennes Campus
- Recipients shall be enrolled as a full-time student
- Recipients shall be pursuing a degree in History.
- Recipients shall have a 3.5 high school grade point average (GPA) or a VU GPA of 3.5 if a returning student.
- Financial need may be a consideration for the selection process.
- If a student matching all of the listed criteria is not presented, a degree-seeking student studying Economics/Economic History or Finance/Finance History may be considered if they meet all other criteria.

Ag Club Scholarship
- Recipient(s) shall be full-time student(s) at Vincennes University
- Recipient(s) will be a student enrolled in an Agribusiness major
- Financial need will not be a primary consideration in awarding the scholarship
- Scholarship awardees shall maintain academic progress as defined by Vincennes University
- If multiple applicants meet the criteria, the one with the highest academic credentials will receive the award
- Scholarship recipients are eligible for renewal consideration with a scholarship application and all criteria met at all times
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Alfred R. & Helen M. Friesenhengst Scholarship
- Any Major
- Graduate of Shoals High School
- Full time student
- Minimum 2.5 GPA maintained at all times
- Selected by special committee from Shoals High School and Vincennes University
- Scholarship allows two years at VU and apply for renewal for an additional two years
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Alta Jane Gosnell Scholarship
- Any Major
- Part time or full time students
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

- Full time or part time student in any year of study, majoring in Surveying Technology
- GPA of 2.5, student at the Vincennes main campus
- Recipient will complete a summer internship program with American Structurepoint.

Barbara Deboer Alumni Association Scholarship
- Any Major
- Non-Traditional Student
- Full or Part Time Student [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Ben Nathan Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full or Part-time Student [minimum of 6 credit hours]
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time; enrolled minimum 12 credit hours per semester
- Recent Female Graduate of Knox County, Indiana High School
- Traditional, first or second year student
- Financial Need considered
- Must graduate high school with 3.0 GPA
- Must maintain 2.75 GPA per college semester
- Renewable with application and letter of request considering all criteria is and has been met
- For books and essential class supplies only.
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Bi-State Authority Scholarship
- Aviation Major considered first, then Any Major
- Lawrence County, Illinois students considered first, then Knox County Indiana students
- Full time students considered first, then students with 6 credit hours per semester
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

BRCF Matt Branson Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Recipients shall be full-time or part-time student enrolled at Vincennes University
- Recipients shall be enrolled in the Precision Machining program.
- preference will be given to applicants from the Shelbyville and Bartholomew County schools
- Financial need is not a primary consideration in awarding the scholarship
- Recipients shall maintain acceptable academic progress as defined by Vincennes University during scholarship period
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Brett Allison Adams Jennings County Scholarship
- Jennings County Resident (North Vernon High School)
- Full Time Student, Any Major
- Traditional or Non-Traditional Student
- Attends Vincennes Main Campus
- Must maintain a GPA of 2.0 at all times while at VU
- Scholarship can be used for tuition, books and fees
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Brett Allison Adams Possibility Fund Scholarship
- Any Major
- Students in COPE of VU Voc Rehab programs
- Full time or Part Time [minimum 6 credit hours] or summer school students
- Traditional or non traditional students VU Main campus
- Maintain 2.0 GPA during scholarship term
- Can be used for tuition, books and fees
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

C.W. Chu Scholarship
- Student from HONG KONG
- Any Major
- Full Time Student
- Maintain minimum 3.0 GPA at all times
- Scholarship automatically renews provided all criteria met at all times
- Award criteria may be adjusted by the scholarship committee based on an individual student's academic progress
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Carroll & Sunya Hamner Scholarship
- Any Major
- Primary consideration Knox County, Indiana resident
- Part Time student [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Primary consideration to Non-Traditional student, single parent
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Charles Muller Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Recipients must have an identified learning disability as defined by VU Disability Services
- Must participate with COPE, STEP or a VU Disability program
- Maintain 3.0 GPA during scholarship term
- Full time student
- Second, Third, or Fourth year of study
- Primary consideration to financial need of low to middle income students
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Col. Ray & Peggy Hankins Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full or Part Time student [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Primary consideration of financial need.
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Community Charter Network Scholarship
- Any major
- Preference given to graduates from the Community Charter Network schools
- Full or part time student [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Maintain 2.0 GPA at all times
- Low to middle income students considered first
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Congresswoman Julia Carson Scholarship
- All Majors
- First consideration to Indianapolis School District High Schools
- Incoming Freshman
- Full time Student
- Minimum GPA 2.0 at all times
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Cummins Drafting Scholarship
- Recipients will be enrolled in Industrial Drafting/CAD Design
- Recipients shall be full-time student at Vincennes University
- Recipients shall have a cumulative grade average of 3.0 or better in high school
- Scholarship awardees shall maintain 3.0 GPA at Vincennes University during scholarship period
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Daniel & Christine Dittman Scholarship
- Any Major
- Incoming Freshman
- High School GPA 2.5 or better
- Maintain 2.5 GPA during scholarship period
- Primary consideration of financial need
- Priority consideration for Rivet High School graduate
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Daniel Burger Dittman Scholarship
Recipients will be an Aviation Maintenance major.
Recipients shall be full-time student(s) at the Vincennes University Aviation Technology Center.
Recipients may be any year student in the program, but must be beyond the first semester of the program.
Financial need is a primary consideration in awarding the scholarship.
Scholarship awardees shall maintain 2.0 GPA at Vincennes University during scholarship period.
In awarding the scholarship, preference will not be limited by scholarship applications from any specific high school attended or county of residence.

David Sommers Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full Time Freshman
- Significant consideration to academic credentials, extracurricular participation and community involvement
- Maintain 3.0 GPA during scholarship term
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Dean J. & E. Hill Academic Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time Student
- Second Year student
- Have and maintain 2.75 or higher GPA at all times
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Dicie E.Dicanio Estate Scholarship
- Any Major
- Primary consideration for students from and residing in Daviess County, Indiana
- Full or Part time student [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Minimum 2.0 GPA maintained at all times
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Dick & Cindy Helton Scholarship
- Any Major
- 2.0 GPA requirement maintained at all times at VU
- Low to Middle income consideration
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Dick Carmichael Scholarship
- Any Major
- First consideration to oldest Rivet graduate attending VU, then to any Rivet graduate
- Financial need is primary consideration
- Full or part time student - minimum 6 credit hours
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Dorothy J. Spence Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Non-Traditional Student
- Single parent consideration
- Full time or Part time [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Doug McCormick Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time student
- Primary consideration South Knox High School graduate, then other Knox County schools
- Financial need also primary consideration
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Dr. Phillips Fox Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time or Part time student [6 credit hours]
- Traditional or Non-Traditional student
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Dr. Razi Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time student - International students [F-1 visa/I20]
- Required one page essay, typed, describing VU campus involvement
- Second semester of for-credit courses
- Intention to return to VU the following school year
- Must be involved in VU campus activities and/or local community clubs/organizations and/or services
- Requires specific application with at least one recommendation letter
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Dunseth Special Fund Scholarship
- Any Major
- Primary consideration to Illinois residents
- Full time or Part Time student [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Dyal & Violet Wadsworth Scholarship
- Any Major
- Primary consideration to Daviess County students
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Earl & Dorothy Diekman Scholarship
- Any Major Agriculture Major preferred
- Incoming Freshman full time
- North Knox High School graduate with 2.5 GPA or better
- Must maintain 2.5 GPA while at VU during scholarship period
- Intention to transfer to Purdue University
- Primary consideration of financial need
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Edna Tague Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full or Part time students [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Knox County residents
- Community service is a significant consideration
- Recipient selected by RSVP Advisory Board
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Edwin York Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time student
- Primary consideration to Knox and Gibson County students
- Maintain 2.5 GPA for scholarship term
- Available for up to two complete years provided all conditions remain met
- Must submit a request letter and documentation of college cumulative GPA by June 1 of each year for renewal
- May be used for tuition, books and fees
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Elson G. Sims Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time student, first or second year
- Primary considerations for community involvement and leadership
- Primary consideration to Knox county residents
- High school or prior college GPA of 2.8 or higher to qualify
- Must maintain minimum 2.8 GPA during scholarship term
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Eph & Dorothy Marchino Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Graduate of a Knox County High School
- Maintain GPA of 3.0 through scholarship term
- Must submit application for renewal and maintain criteria requirements
- May be used for summer school studies
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Erika Norman Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time student Vincennes Campus
- Primary consideration of financial need
- Resident of Montgomery County or Knox County in Indiana
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Ernie Marlow Basketball Scholarship
- Any Major
- Minimum GPA 2.0 required during scholarship term
- Award may be used for summer school expenses.
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Frank & Julia Ladner Scholarship
- All Majors
- Graduates of Lawrence County High Schools.
- Maintain 2.5 GPA or higher during scholarship term
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Gary & Sandra Bubenzer Scholarship
- Recipients must be enrolled as a full-time student at the Vincennes Campus
- Recipients must be a second-year student with a 3.0 college GPA
- Financial need is a requirement for consideration
- Preference will be given to students who graduated from North Knox High School or North Daviess High School
- Recipients must preset and maintain the 3.0 GPA to receive the second installment of the scholarship
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Gene & Patricia Bathe Scholarship
- Recipients must be a graduate of Vincennes Lincoln High School or Jean Francois Rivet High School in Vincennes
- Recipients must have graduated high school within the last 18 months
- Recipients shall be full-time, degree-seeking students enrolled in any major at Vincennes University's Vincennes Campus
- First consideration will be given to applicants with a demonstrated financial need
- Recipients must present and maintain the admission and academic standards as defined by Vincennes University to receive the second installment of the scholarship
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

German American Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full or Part time student [6 credit hours minimum]
- Traditional or Non-Traditional student
- Maintain minimum 2.0 GPA during scholarship period
- Primary consideration to students from German American Bancorp regions
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Gold Club Scholarship
- Any Major
- Non Traditional Student
- Full Time or Part time students [minimum of 6 hours].
- Must maintain 2.5 GPA during scholarship period.
- Primary consideration to Indiana students, then Illinois students.
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Good Samaritan Foundation Chris & Laura Nardine Memorial Scholarship
- Traditional or Non-Traditional students, enrolled in a health care related field
- Must have and maintain a 3.0 GPA during scholarship period
- Part-tine (enrolled, attending, passing) minimum of 6 credit hours or full-time minimum of 12 credit hours
- Must meet eligibility requirements as a part-time or full-time employee of Good Samaritan Hospital (.4 FTE or higher) or participate in the Student Volunteer Program with a minimum of 100 hours volunteered in the previous 12 months
- Must meet employment obligations and make a one-year full-time work commitment to Good Samaritan Hospital if a position is available and the recipient is selected for the position.

Governor Matthew E. Welsh Memorial Scholarship
- Any major
- Campus Leadership
- Selected by Vincennes University President
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Grabbe-Utley Scholarship
- Any Major
- Graduate of a public Knox County High School
- Must maintain minimum 2.8 cumulative GPA during scholarship award
- Scholarship supplements other financial aid [excluding loans] received to the point that all tuitions, fees, books are covered up to $5000 annually; whichever is less
- Full time student attending Vincennes University for at least the first two years before transferring to another college
- Renewal requirement: must submit letter of request in June, with documentation of cumulative GPA, each year for renewal. For another university, payment issued after invoice documentation and student schedule received from the attending university.
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Gregory McMichael Mechanical Engineering Memorial Scholarship
- Financial need is a primary consideration in awarding the scholarship
- Recipients shall be full-time students enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering program at the Vincennes University Campus
- Recipients will be first-year students
- This scholarship will be distributed at 50% for fall and 50% spring
- The scholarship is renewable for the second year if "academic progress" as defined by the Vincennes University catalog is achieved
- The scholarship shall be applied to cost of attendance
- In awarding the scholarship, preference will not be limited by scholarship applications from any specific high school attended or county of residence
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Hankins Student Assistance Fund Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time or Part time students [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Primary consideration of financial need.
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Harry S. Warner Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full or Part time student [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Current 2.0 GPA for consideration
- Must maintain 2.0 GPA during scholarship term.
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Herbert & Velma Pepmeier Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time student [minimum 12 credit hours]
- Financial need considered
- GPA 2.0 maintained during scholarship term
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Illene Hodgdon Scholarship Fund
She married William D. Hodgdon on Sept. 6, 1958, and they lived their senior year in the “GI” barracks in Athens, Ohio. Hodgdon taught high school home economics in the Canton South, Ohio, area and part-time in Oklahoma and in Vincennes. Substitute teaching and raising their two daughters were her main concerns until 1975 when she started teaching at Vincennes University. She retired as department chair after 20 years.
This scholarship is being established in memory of Illene Hodgdon and her dedication to teaching decades of students in the field of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- Recipients will be a Family and Consumer Science major.
- Recipients shall be full-time student(s) at the Vincennes University Vincennes Campus.
- Recipients may be any year student in the program.
- Financial need is not a primary consideration in awarding the scholarship.
- Scholarship awardees shall maintain a 2.0 GPA at Vincennes University during scholarship period.

Illiana Watermelon Association Agriculture Scholarship
- Recipients shall be residents of Indiana or Illinois
- Recipients shall be in the minimum of their second year of their chosen major.
- Recipients shall be enrolled full-time at the Vincennes University Vincennes Campus.
- Full time status is required unless the number of credit hours required to complete a credential in the last semester equals part-time status.
- Recipients shall be enrolled as an Agriculture, Agribusiness, Urban Agriculture, or
baccalaureate Technology - Agribusiness major.
- New agriculture degrees created after the date of this agreement will be included in future award consideration.

Indiana State Poultry Association Scholarship
- Recipient(s) will be an Agriculture Studies major
- Recipient(s) shall be full-time student(s) at either the Jasper or Vincennes Campus of Vincennes University
- Recipient(s) will be a first or second-year student
- Financial need shall not be a primary consideration for awarding the scholarship
- Recipient(s) shall have a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or a Vincennes University GPA of 3.0 or better
- Scholarship awardees shall maintain a 3.0 GPA at Vincennes University during scholarship period
- This scholarship is open to both traditional age students and adult learners
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Isaac K. Beckes Scholarship
- Any Major
- Demonstrated academic achievement and graduated in the top 2/3 of high school class.
- Demonstrated financial need determined by VU Financial Aid office.
- Student must have graduated within 18 months of application.
- Student must apply for scholarship by January 15th.
- Student must maintain 2.0 grade point average per semester.
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

James L. Hills Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full-time or part-time student at the Vincennes University Main Campus
- Must be an "initiated" member of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International, Alpha Chapter in good standing
- Traditional or Non-traditional
- Must have a high school GPA of 2.0 or better; Must maintain a 2.5 GPA or better at all times while at VU
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Jean & Jane McCarthy Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full or Part time student [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Traditional or Non-Traditional student
- Maintain 2.0 GPA during scholarship term
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

John & Eunice Byers Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time student
- Traditional or Non-Traditional student
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

John M. Lyons Scholarship
- Recipients of the scholarship will be Vincennes Lincoln High School or Vincennes Rivet High School seniors.
- First preference will ge given to History majors, but if there are no applicants from Lincoln coming to VU to major in history then all majors will be open to consideration.
- Recipient(s) shall be full-time student(s) at Vincennes University.
- Recipient(s) will be an incoming freshman and may be awarded the scholarship on an annual basis so long as the student(s) achieves the criteria listed.
- Financial need may be a consideration in awarding the scholarship.
- Recipients shall have a cumulative grade average of 2.5 or better in high school.
- Scholarship awardees shall maintain 2.5 GPA at Vincennes University during scholarship period.
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

John W. & Catherine R. Zeigler Scholarship
- First consideration will be given to students who are the legal dependent of an employee of the Ewing Printing Co., Inc.
- Second consideration will be given to a student from Knox County, Indiana. If such a candidate is not presented, the recipient will be a student who meets the remaining criteria.
- Recipients shall not be limited to a specific major.
- Recipients shall be a full-time student at Vincennes University.
- Recipients may be in any year of attendance.
- Recipients shall have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in high school
- Financial need is a consideration for selection, but not the primary decision factor.
- Recipients must maintain a 2.5 GPA the standards of academic progress as defined by Vincennes University for the full period of the award.

Kopp Family Fund Scholarship
- All Majors
- First or second year student
- Financial needs considered
- Traditional or Non-traditional student
- Primary consideration to Knox County residents then other counties
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Lilly Housing Grant
- Any Major
- Full time [minimum 12 credit hours]
- Minimum GPA of 2.0 maintained during scholarship term
- Primary concern of financial need
- Restricted to students living in Vincennes University housing
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Linda Lou Clodfelder Nursing Program Scholarship
- Recipient will be a Nursing major
- Recipient shall be a full-time student at Vincennes University
- Recipients will be an incoming freshman
- Applicant's financial need from a low or middle income family shall be the primary consideration in awarding scholarship
- The award eos not have a cumulative grade average requirement
- In awarding scholarship, preference will be given to scholarship applications from Lincoln High School or North Knox graduates from Oaktown
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Marie Lucier McQuiad Scholarship
- Any Major
- Second year female athlete
- Full time student [minimum 12 credit hours]
- Athletic department recommendation on the basis of mental attitude
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Marjorie Sims Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- First or second year full-time student
- Community involvement and leadership is a primary consideration
- Knox County, Indiana residents will receive first consideration
- Applicants must have a high school of college GPA of 2.8 or above to be considered for award
- Recipients must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.8 at all times during scholarship period
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Marjorie W. Huffman Scholarship
- Any major
- Graduates of North Knox High School
- Recommendation from North Knox High School administration

Martha Snyder Thompson Scholarship
- Recipients must be attending Vincennes University Vincennes Campus as an incoming first year student with no more than eighteen months between high school and attendance
- Recipient shall be baccalaureate-seeking student
- Recipients shall be enrolled as an education, social service major, or a first-responder major
- Recipients shall be enrolled as a full-time student (12 credit hours or more) unless the number of credit hours required to finish their associate or baccalaureate is less than full-time status
- Students will be required to demonstrate the spirit of volunteerism by donating at least 20 hours of volunteer service per semester of the award
- Financial need will be a consideration in awarding the scholarship
- Recipients must meet and maintain the standard level of academic progress as defined by Vincennes University in order to retain the scholarship
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Marva Green Scholarship
- Any Major
- Lawrence County, Illinois resident
- Cumulative 2.5 GPA to qualify and must be maintained during scholarship period
- Part time students [minimum 6 credit hours] or Full time students
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Miss B. Cornelia Carter Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time FEMALE student
- Must complete one semester as an active member in good standing with the Alpha Theta Chi Sorority
- Maintain 3.0 GPA minimum at all times
- Submit minimum 500 word essay detailing why you should receive scholarship
- Complete interview with Alumnae committee; selected by Alumnae committee
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Morley Surveying Scholarship
- Recipients shall be currently enrolled or accepted into the Vincennes University Surveying Technology (ASCT) or Surveying Management (BS) program
- Recipients shall possess a non-weighted grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
- Recipients may be full-time students unless degree completion in the last semester requires less than 12 hours.
- Recipients should be a resident of the following Indiana counties: Posey, Vanderburgh, Warrick, Spencer, Perry, Gibson, Pike, Dubois.
- Recipients must maintain the standard level of academic progress as defined by Vincennes.

Noble County Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full Time student [minimum 12 credit hours]
- Resident of Noble County, Indiana
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Non-Traditional Student Scholarship
- Any Major
- Priority to Full time student, consideration of part time students [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Minimum 2.0 GPA maintained during scholarship term
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Oscar L. Dunn Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Immediate graduate of Vincennes Lincoln High School
- Full Time Student
- Maintain minimum 2.6 GPA during scholarship period
- Renewable for one additional year with application, letter of renewal request and meeting all criteria. Maximum two year limit.
- Application made through Vincennes Lincoln High School guidance office
- Selection made by Oscar L. Dunn Scholarship Committee
- Financial need primary consideration, then scholastic record
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

P.M. Summers-Elkhart Scholarship
- Any Major
- Primary consideration of students from Elkhart county
- Full Time student [minimum 12 credit hours]
- Traditional or Non-Traditional students
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Paul E. and Nancy K. Anderson Endowed Scholarship
- Scholarship awarded to a graduate of Vincennes Lincoln High School
- Recipient will not be limited to a specific major
- Recipient shall be a full-tim student at Vincennes University
- Recipient will be an incoming freshman and will be awarded the scholarship for one year
- Recipient will be a traditional student at attending Vincennes University at the Vincennes main campus
- Financial need shall not be a primary consideration in awarding the scholarship
- Recipients shall have a cumulative grade average of 2.5 or better in high school
- Scholarship awardees shall maintain 2.5 or better GPA at Vincennes University during scholarship period
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Patricia A. Wilson Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Dayson graduated from Monroe City High School in 1948, and she earned a bachelor’s degree in science from Indiana University in 1952. She earned her master’s degree in education from IU in 1961. After teaching a few years at her hometown high school, Mrs. Dayson began teaching at Clark Junior High School, in Vincennes, in 1962.
Soon after her move to Clark, Mrs. Dayson began creating opportunities for the girls in her classes. In the mid- to late-1960s, she began recruiting young women from the GAA (Girls’ Athletic Association) to participate in both basketball and volleyball. Then in 1967, she created the Lady Alices basketball program. These programs were the forerunners of girls’ sports in the Vincennes Community School Corporation (VCSC), a program which now includes nine sports. Mrs. Dayson was also the first female driver’s education teacher in Indiana.
Born on Aug. 17, 1930, in Canton, Ohio, Mrs. Dayson was the daughter of Ralph Hook Wilson and Edith (Skomp) Wilson. She married Robert Lee Dayson on Mar. 23, 1951, in Alexandria, Virginia, before he was sent to Korea to serve his country. Patricia (Wilson) Dayson, 83, Vincennes, passed away on Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014.
- Recipient shall be a female graduate from Vincennes Lincoln High School who played a minimum of two years for the LHS girls’ basketball team. If a candidate from the basketball team is not presented, a volleyball player or other member of a female athletic team may be considered. Consideration may be commensurate with the number of years played.
- Recipients shall be enrolled at the Vincennes Campus.
- Recipients shall be enrolled full-time.
- Recipients will have demonstrated high athletic leadership and strong academic performance while at LHS as these are the primary considerations for selection. (Participation in athletics at VU is not required).
- Financial need is also a consideration, but not the determining factor.

Patrick Gehl Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time student
- Primary consideration to Gibson County students
- High School academic credentials indicating ability to succeed
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Pioneer Scholarship
- Any Major
- Traditional or Non-Traditional Student
- Full time or part time
- Primary consideration of financial need
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Pioneer Oil, Inc., Scholarship
- Recipients will be degree-seeking students in the College of Technology
- Recipients will be full-time students at Vincennes University
- Selection preference will be given to female and minority students, but all students meeting the full set of criteria may apply
- Recipients may be either traditional students or adult learners
- Recipients may be enrolled in any Vincennes University location
- Recipients may be in the first or second year of attendance and may be awarded the scholarship on an annual basis so long as the students achieve the criteria listed
- Financial need is not a requirement for awarding scholarship
- Recipients must be able to demonstrate college readiness as defined by the Admissions policies of Vincennes University
- Scholarship awardees shall achieve acceptable academic progress
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Polk-Decker Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Graduate of a Knox County, Indiana high school
- FOUR year award [four years at VU or two at VU and two at another university] provided all criteria met during scholarship term
- Full Time student attending VU first before transferring
- Minimum 2.0 GPA maintained for the scholarship term
- Scholarship supplements other financial aid assistance to cover remainders of tuition, fees and books up to $3000 per year
- Scholarship replaces any other scholarships received from VU or the VU Foundation.
- Renewal terms: Recipient must submit a letter of request along with previous year's cumulative GPA in June every year to qualify for the next academic year. For another university qualification, cumulative GPA and invoice from the university indicating complete financial aid package along with the schedule must be received prior to payout.
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Randall Hedden Arts Scholarship
- Recipient shall be full-time VU student
- The awardees will be incoming freshmen who may receive the scholarship for two full years if all other criteria are met
- Semesters must be consecutive
- Recipients shall have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better in high school
- Students must major in the visual arts field (illustration, graphic design, architectural design, interior design, video ad computer graphics, animation, art history, and fine art)
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Regions Bank Vincennes University Scholarship
- Majoring in the preferred business related fields - Agribusiness, Business Administration, and Business Management
- Full time student, traditional or non-traditional - low to middle income is a primary consideration
- Students at VU main or VU Jasper campus but be an Indiana resident
- Must have and maintain a GPA o 3.0 (on a four point scale) or above at all times during scholarship period
- Scholarship is for one year. Recipients may reapply to be considered in subsequent years
- Applicants participation and support of social service organizations and communities will be part of the review
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time student; first year students must enroll in second semester
- Must be active on the VU campus and/or local community through club/organization involvement and/or community service
- Family must contain at least one parent of African American Ancestry
- Requires separate application and at least one letter of recommendation submitted together
- Requires a one page typed essay describing your involvement or service on the VU campus or in the community
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Robert E. Green Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Primary consideration to full time students, then part time students [minimum 6 credit hours]
- North Knox High School graduate
- Primary consideration for financial need
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Ryan Donnoe Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time student [12 or more credit hours]
- Sigma Pi Fraternity active member
- GPA 2.8 or better must be maintained
- Must complete separate application and submit to Committee of Alpha Alumni Association of Sigma Pi Fraternity for selection from qualified applicants
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Sanders J. & Elinor Jones Memorial Scholarship
- Recipient will be a Vincennes University Physical Plant employee, their child, or grandchild
- Recipient can be either a full-time, part-time, or summer school student at Vincennes Univeristy
- Recipient can be attending any of the four Vincennes University Indiana campuses
- Recipient can be in a semester or year of attendances
- Recipient can be either a traditional or non-traditional student
- Financial need of recipient's family shall not be a primary consideration in awarding the scholarship
- Scholarship awardees shall maintain 2.0 GPA at Vincennes University during scholarship period
- In awarding he scholarship, preference will not be based on residence
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Sherry Carter Memorial Scholarship
- Major in Education, but if none then any major
- Full time student at VU's main campus, in any year of study
- Maintain a minimum of a 2.75 GPA at all times during scholarship period
- Preference given to LHS, SKHS, or NKHS grads
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Southgate Community Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full Time student
- Primary consideration to Southgate area residents of Vincennes
- Secondary consideration to Vincennes city residents, then to Knox County Indiana residents
- Tertiary consideration to any full time VU Student
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

State Representative William Crawford Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time Student
- Primary consideration to high school students from the Indiana Black Expo Chapter cities
- Entering Freshman
- Financial need will be considered
- High School GPA 2.0 or greater
- Maintain 2.5 GPA at all times at VU
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Tammy Tribe Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Primary consideration hearing impaired person
- Secondary consideration other handicapped student
- Full time or Part time [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Telamon Diversity Scholarship
- Recipients shall be students from underrepresented populations as identified by Vincennes University
- Recipients must be full-time students
- Recipients may be enrolled in any major
- Recipients must meet and maintain the standard level of academic progress as defined by Vincennes University in order to retain the scholarship
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

The Daniel L. and Wanda L. Worland Memorial Scholarship
- Recipients shall be enrolled as full-time students
- Recipients must be a recent graduate of a Knox County, Indiana, high school. The purpose of this scholarship, recent is defined as within 18 months at the students first entry term at Vincennes University as traditional college students.
- Recipients shall be enrolled Agriculture, Agribusiness, Horticulture, Welding or a related major in memory of Daniel L. Worland. Students majoring in Culinary Arts or Cosmetology will be considered for the scholarship in memory of Wanda L. Worland.
- Recipients must have a 3.0 high school GPA to be considered for the award and maintain a 2.5 college GPA to receive the spring intallment of the award.
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

The Gary and Patricia Buntrock Nursing Scholarship
Patricia (Willis) Buntrock is a member of the VU Nursing Class of 1969 and her sister Pamela (Willis) Martin is a 1968 alumna of the program. Mrs. Buntrock’s son Matthew Bowman carried on the family tradition with his Associate Degree in Nursing from VU in 2016 and earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing in 2021.
- Recipients may be enrolled as a full-time student, part-time student or summer session student at any VU location offering the identified program(s).
- Recipients must be enrolled in the Associate or Baccalaureate degree Nursing program.
- Recipients may be from any year of their college career.
- Financial need is a requirement for consideration.
- Recipients must maintain the standard level of academic progress as defined by Vincennes University.

The Marjorie Rash Miller Memorial Scholarship
- Recipients shall be full time adult learners as defined by Vincennes University;
- Recipients shall be enrolled in the Associate Nursing Program or the Bachelor of Science Nursing Program at any VU site where the programs are offered;
- The scholarship may be renewed for a second year if the student maintains the standard level of academic progress for the identified major as defined by VU;
- Preference will be given to students demonstrating financial need;
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

The Matthew Bowman Memorial Scholarship
Steve Bowman shared,
“Matt’s mindset was helping and serving others in everything he did. This scholarship represents the many interests and avenues through which Matt made a difference in the lives of so many.”
- Recipients shall be enrolled as a full-time student.
- Recipients must be a VU-bound graduate of Vincennes Lincoln High School graduating in the academic year prior to attending VU
- Recipients must have participated in one or more of the following activities:
- Vincennes Lincoln High School Stage/Theatre Arts
- Sports Medicine/Manager/Trainer
- Photojournalism
- Recipients shall be enrolled in a major that aligns with the interests listed above.

Thomas E. Lewis Memorial Scholarship
- It is preferred, but not required, that the recipient will be a Business, Physical Education, Health Occupations or Sports Medicine major
- Recipient will be a member of the VU Golf Team
- Recipient shall be a full-time traditional student at Vincennes University, with an academic load of 12 credit hours or more.
- Recipient may be either an incoming freshman or second year student
- Financial need of middle-income students shall be a primary consideration in awarding the scholarship
- Recipients shall have a cumulative grade average of 2.5 or better in high school
- Scholarship awardees shall maintain 2.5 GPA at Vincennes University during scholarship period
- In awarding the scholarship, preference will be given to scholarship applications from Knox County high schools, or the student is a Knox County resident
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Toyota Leadership Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full Time Student
- Primary consideration with community involvement and student leadership
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Trent D. Horrall Memorial Scholarship
“Trent would want to give a hand up to a young man/woman going into a construction/surveying field of study, to help ease the 1st year financial burden. He loved the construction and surveying industry and went into both fields after he graduated. He loved basketball as well, and played all through school. We would want to see a basketball player who has played all 4 years of high school and will be going to VU, studying in a construction or surveying field apply for this scholarship.”
She added that their older children graduated from Pike Central High School and that another child will be graduating from Washington High School so students from both schools are eligible for the award.
“Trent always valued education and learning. He loved setting goals and would be so honored to know he was helping someone in a small way to reach their goals,” she said.
Melissa Horrall believes that Vincennes University has, and will continue to have, an important role in the higher education system in establishing a strong educational foundation for students in meeting life’s challenges.
- Recipients must be a graduate of either Washington High School in Washington, Indiana, or Pike Central High School in Petersburg, Indiana.
- Recipients must be a first-time student as defined by Vincennes University and enrolled as a full-time student.
- Recipients must be enrolled in one of the Construction or Surveying programs located on the Vincennes Campus.
- Recipients must have a 2.75 grade point average.
- Recipients who also played basketball for four years in high school will be preferred during the selection process by the committee.
- Students who have lost a parent or currently have a parent battling cancer may receive additional consideration during the selection process.
- Recipients must maintain the standard level of academic progress as defined by Vincennes.

Unlimited Horizons Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time student
- Incoming freshmen recipients qualify for second year with all criteria met
- Financial need considered AFTER FAFSA assistance
- Must maintain 2.5 GPA during scholarship term
- Indiana residents
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Vectren Foundation - Unlimited Horizons Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full Time Student
- Requires enrollment in Vincennes University Unlimited Horizons program
- Maintain 2.0 GPA during scholarship term
- Primary consideration to applicants from Vanderburgh County, Indiana then to surrounding counties
- Renewal available if all criteria maintained
- Renewal requires additional request letter and College GPA documentation by June 1 each year
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Veronica J. & Lindsay J. Turner Memorial Scholarship
- Any Major
- Female graduate of Linton-Stockton High School with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 - 3.2
- Primary consideration to Non-Traditional students
- Full or Part time [minimum 6 credit hours] or summer school
- Can be used for tuition, books, fees or housing as needed
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Vincennes Civitan Scholarship
- Any Major
- Selected by committee
- Cash refunds are allowed
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Vincennes University Alumni Association Alpha Chapter Scholarship
- Graduate of Lawrenceville or Red Hill High schools in Lawrence County, Illinois within the prior 18 mos.
- Major in any program, Full time student
- Maintain a minimum of a 2.0 GPA at all times during scholarship period
- Submission of separate application
- Selection by Alumni Association Board
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Vincennes University Alumni Association Children Of Alumni Scholarship
- Any child of a VU Alumnus with at least 24 credit hours completed
- All Majors
- Must be in upper 2/3 of high school graduating class with academic achievement
- Student must demonstrate financial need determined by the VU Financial Aid Office
- Student must have graduated within 18 months prior to application
- Student must apply by JANUARY 15
- Student must maintain 2.0 grade point average per semester
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Vincennes University Campus Ministries Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full Time Student
- Second Year Student
- Selection made by VU campus ministries committee
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Vincennes University Foundation Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full time or part time student (minimum of 6 credit hours)
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

VU Support Staff Scholarship
- Any Major
- Selection by support staff council
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

William Henry Harrison Foundation Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full, Part time, or summer school student [minimum 6 credit hours]
- Traditional or non-Traditional student, any year of study
- Minimum 2.0 GPA at all times
- Applies to tuition, books, fees, equipment and housing
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

William M. "Bud" Bierhaus Doorway Scholarship
- Any Major
- Full Time Student
- Incoming Freshmen will receive award for 2 years as long as all criteria met
- First consideration graduates of Vincennes Lincoln and Vincennes Rivet High Schools
- Applicants must be nominated by high school official, minister or other community leader
- Financial Need Consideration
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Winifred Wiseman White Scholarship
- Any Major
- Incoming Freshman
- Full Time Student
- Minimum GPA 3.0 maintained during scholarship term
- Primary consideration to Knox County, Indiana students
- Eligible for renewal as long as criteria is in good standing
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Woodrow Allen Scholarship
- Any major
- Part time (minimum of 6 credit hours) or full time student
- Maintain a minimum of a 2.0 GPA at all times during scholarship period
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

Zimmerman Scholarship
- Any Major
- General Criteria
- Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.