campus safety tips

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Campus Safety Tips

Campus Safety Tips

Vincennes University continues to reduce and prevent crime on a continual basis by doing the following:

  • 24 hour contact with Central Dispatch (E-911)
  • 24 hour contact with the Vincennes City Police
  • Emergency 911 dialing
  • 24 hour Preventative Patrols
  • Campus foot patrol by University Police officers and cadets
  • 24 hour staff in residence halls
  • Custodial staff occupy academic buildings after hours
  • Crime prevention seminars presented to groups
  • Crime prevention pamphlets provided to students and employees
  • Some parking lots monitored by surveillance cameras

In addition to preventing crime, considerable effort is devoted to crime investigation. All reported crimes are investigated, and an attempt is made to identify the offenders. When caught, offenders are dealt with through the County court system and Vincennes University.

Indiana's Laws Regarding Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence, and Stalking

The following information is provided in accordance with the Campus SaVE Act.

Read about the law

Stalking and Cyberstalking

Stalking occurs when a person who has no legal reason to contact you, continues to bother you after you have said you want to be left alone. This repeated, unwanted contact can make you afraid for your personal safety.

Understand stalking

Helpful Resources

Safety Tips

Our efforts are not to give you a false sense of security. You need to know that crimes will occur but that prevention efforts can be effective in reducing the opportunities for criminal activity. You play a key role in our crime prevention efforts. Be cautious, careful and alert to your own safety and protection of yours and the University's possessions. Please exercise the crime tips listed below and help avoid victimization.

  • Be cautious of strangers
  • Avoid getting into vulnerable no-exit places
  • Do not hesitate to call police when confronted by unknown persons
  • Keep your house or residence hall room locked
  • At night, walk in groups of at least two
  • Walk with confidence, and avoid walking near bushes or parked cars
  • Familiarize yourself with the location of courtesy telephones
  • When parking, remove valuables from plain view and lock your vehicle
  • Record serial numbers of your property
  • Make copies of credit cards and other valuables in your wallet
  • Write your name and ID number in several places in textbooks
  • Lock your bicycle in a bicycle rack
  • Take valuables home when away for an extended period of time
  • Report all maintenance problems (broken locks, windows, etc.)
  • If you must walk alone, please make sure to use well lighted paths and sidewalks and take the most direct route
  • Attend security awareness programs held on campus for valuable information and safety tips
  • Use crosswalks and pedestrian crossing signals to safely cross streets
  • Be aware of campus services. You are your best protection -- educate yourself
  • Report all incidents and losses to Campus Police immediately
Crime Prevention Programs
  • The Vincennes University Police Department provides escorts for individuals who have legitimate concern about their safety. The escort service is provided for your safety while walking on campus. Please call 5555 (on campus phones) and an escort can be summoned to your location and can accompany you to your on campus destination.
  • Self-Defense for Women Workshops -- conducted periodically.
  • Resident Hall Handbook - Discussion by resident assistants with residents on security section of the handbook. This program centers around lost keys, strangers in the hall, room security and hall security.
  • Housing Facilities at VU provide 24 hour desk coverage, resident access to the building, floor, wing, and room by key only, screens in windows and door alarms to control unlawful entry and exit.
  • Videos followed by discussions on the subjects of safety and acquaintance rape are held on campus.
  • Greek Advisor -- sponsors workshops with fraternities and sororities regarding issues of security, alcohol, and date rape.
  • Residence hall students may register their personal property with their individual residence hall.
  • Students residing off-campus may register their personal property with Campus Police. Security issues are addressed with parents during Summer Registration days.
  • Theft insurance brochure -- all residence hall students are mailed information of personal property insurance that can be used while they are students at VU.
Security & Access to Facilities
  • University personnel have access through the lock and key system to their work area or office at all times. Students, guests, and University people with no authority or role in a building have access only when a building is open. In order for a building to be open, an authorized University employee must be present.
  • The maintenance staff is responsible for locking all academic and administrative buildings after working hours. Residence halls are secured by residence hall staffs during those periods of time when only the students residing in those halls are allowed.
  • Areas and buildings where students gather or walk are lighted throughout the evening hours. Heavily traveled walkways are lighted all night. Campus Police officers patrol the campus on a 24-hour basis.
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Sexual Assault Information

Sexual Assault Information

What services are available to students after a sexual assault on campus?
The VU Counseling Center services are available free of charge to a victim who is a VU student. If desired, staff can accompany the student to or meet the student at the ER for services there. Students may also access Counseling Center services at a later time, and receive assistance such as ongoing counseling, problem-solving, explanation of the criminal and campus judicial process, and referral to other appropriate agencies.

Functioning under the auspices of state and federal mental health law, and within the guidelines of the Campus Security Act (aka the Clery Act), counselors are not mandated reporters of sexual assaults and are able to maintain a victim’s confidentiality if desired.

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